"Kenneth R. Deitz, CPA has been the accountant for my businesses and personal taxes for ten years. Over the years, he has kept me out of sales tax problems, prepared financial..."
The Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 (2009 Worker Act), enacted November 6, 2009, gives all businesses (or their owners in the case of pass-through entities) an opportunity to obtain a quick refund from the IRS using net operating losses (NOL). A company has an NOL when its business deductions for the year exceed its business income. Normally, a business can only carry back an NOL two years.
2009 is quickly coming to a close but there is still time to possibly maximize your federal tax savings for the year. Many year-end tax planning techniques can help you save money. Because of the recession, some of the year-end strategies take on added urgency for individuals affected by a job loss or a reduction in income.